In a heartwarming video from Northern Thailand, a baby elephant goes to great lengths to wake up its unlikely playmate, a sleepy elderly farm dog. Despite their size difference, the determined elephant tries everything to get the slumbering dog to join in on some fun.
Watch the video at the end.
The video shows the baby elephant using various tactics to rouse the worn-out dog, who seems unfazed as he continues to sleep peacefully. The elephant starts by gently prodding the dog with its trunk, exploring different parts of its body to find a sensitive spot.
Despite a brief stir, the Labrador remains fast asleep. The baby elephant, undeterred, places one leg on the fence of its enclosure and leans further towards the dog, seemingly contemplating its next move.
An off-screen helper soon steps in, using a long grass reed to assist the elephant in waking up the dog, affectionately referred to as “sleeping beauty.” Eventually, the dog stirs, only to scratch, readjust, and promptly fall asleep.
Even a crowing rooster, heard in the background of the video shared on YouTube, fails to awaken the snoozing canine. After a brief pause, the baby elephant uses its strong trunk to lift the dog’s front paws from the ground, attempting to pick him up.
A family captured the video in Lampang, Northern Thailand, on a gap-year world tour. They shared that shortly after the recording stopped, the playful elephant, exhausted from its efforts, gave up on finding a playmate and fell asleep with its head resting against the fence of its farmyard pen.
Watch the video below:
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