A harrowing encounter between a mother elephant and a fierce crocodile unfolded in Zambia’s South Luangwa National Park, showcasing the strength and determination of the protective elephant.
The mother elephant and her calf were quenching their thirst at the Luangwa River when the crocodile suddenly emerged and latched onto the female’s trunk.
Despite being caught off guard and forced onto her hind legs, the elephant managed to turn away from the water with the predator still attached to her trunk.
Exhibiting incredible strength and resolve, the mother elephant eventually shook off the crocodile and retreated from the water with her baby.
The pair had a brief scare when the calf stumbled while fleeing, but both mother and child ultimately emerged unscathed. They were later spotted drinking from the river once again.
South Luangwa National Park is renowned for its impressive elephant herds, which can include up to 70 individuals.
Spanning 9,000 square kilometers, the park is home to 60 different animal species, such as baboons, buffalo, zebra, giraffes, leopards, lions, and hippopotami.
Read more Elephant News.