An orphaned baby elephant narrowly escaped tragedy when rescuers intervened just in time. The young elephant, named Naleku, was discovered alone and vulnerable in Nairobi, Kenya.
Keepers at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust quickly stepped in to save Naleku and introduce her to a loving community of orphaned elephants.
Rob Brandford, CEO of the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, shared details of the rescue. He explained that Naleku’s mother had died from illness, leaving the six-month-old calf helpless and needing care.
Watch the video at the end.
With approval from the Kenya Wildlife Service, rescuers transported Naleku to the Mara North Conservancy runway, where she was prepared for a flight to Nairobi.
To minimize stress during transport, Naleku was sedated. The rescuers moved quickly as daylight faded, and the baby elephant needed to reach safety before darkness fell.
Initially apprehensive about her rescuers, Naleku has warmed up to her new family. Brandford reported that Naleku quickly learned to drink from a bottle and has grown comfortable among her fellow orphaned elephants. She now enjoys the company of her “little mothers,” who nurture and care for her.
Watch the video below:
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