Niabi Zoo Welcomes Rare Species, Expanding Their Family

Niabi Zoo is thrilled to announce the arrival of several rare and captivating species, expanding their family and contributing to conservation efforts.

Among the new additions are a female Amur leopard, an African Crescent porcupine, a colobus monkey, and a southern rhinoceros, bringing joy and wonder to the zoo.

The female Amur leopard was brought to Niabi Zoo with the intention of mating with the male Amur leopards already residing there.


Lona, hailing from Thrigby Hall Wildlife Park in the UK, has been introduced to Mr. Jilin, a male Amur leopard at the zoo.

Following a 14-day quarantine period, Lona joined Jilin, and the zoo hopes for the successful birth of adorable cubs.

Niabi Zoo takes immense pride in being part of such a significant moment, as the native forests are home to only 80 of these magnificent cats. The zoo is among the 50 North American zoos actively preserving these special felines.


Although not an official Association of Zoos and Aquariums member, Niabi Zoo is dedicated to making a difference.

Currently, Lona is undergoing a backstage bonding process with Jilin to help them adjust to their new surroundings and foster a comfortable environment for both leopards.

In another first for the zoo, a 2-year-old southern white rhinoceros named Kito arrived on May 22. This delightful addition from Fresno Zoo in California has brought further joy to Niabi Zoo. The plan is to introduce a female rhino as well, ensuring the growth of the rhinoceros population.


Accompanying the rhino and leopards, Niabi Zoo also welcomed an African Crescent Moon porcupine from the San Diego Zoo and a Columbus monkey from Santana Zoo in California.

With the arrival of these rare species, the zoo’s population is expanding significantly, offering visitors the chance to witness these wonders firsthand.

With the increasing number of animals, Niabi Zoo recognizes the need for a larger, well-trained staff. Proper animal care entails thorough enclosure inspections and ensuring they receive the appropriate nutrients to maintain their health.


Niabi Zoo’s reputation is further enhanced by these remarkable new additions, inviting visitors to experience the magic of these rare species firsthand.

Read more Wildlife News.