Avengers enthusiasts take note: Scarlett Johansson, aka Black Widow, isn’t just a superhero on screen; she’s a human with feelings.
In a recent revelation, the actress shared the most peculiar comment she receives from fans – about her height.

“It’s short,” the 34-year-old star chuckled during an interview with Cosmopolitan UK. “You’re a lot shorter than I thought you were,” they’d say. Johansson finds it bewildering and rightly questions the appropriateness of such remarks.
Meanwhile, her co-star Paul Rudd, who portrays Ant-Man, divulged an equally bizarre encounter with fans. Hint: it involves an explicit theory about his character and Thanos.
Additionally, the duo reminisced about their starstruck moments upon meeting fellow cast members for the first time. And Rudd graciously shared his secret to eternal youth – a nod to the Infinity Stones.
Are you curious about more details? Read on to uncover the surprising encounters and revelations from the Avengers stars.
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