Scarlett Johansson, celebrated for her portrayal of Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow, has become an integral figure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe alongside iconic superheroes like Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye, and Hulk.
In Hollywood, Johansson is known for her outspokenness, especially when addressing issues like hypersexualization in the film industry.
On May 4th, 2012, she confronted an interviewer who asked inappropriate questions, ending the conversation. Recently, Johansson faced another uncomfortable question during an interview.
One standout incident occurred in 2012 during The Avengers’ press tour when reporter Jerry Penacoli asked if she was wearing underwear beneath her superhero costume.
Irritated, Johansson responded, “You’re the fifth person to ask me this today. I’ll leave it to your imagination.
Whatever you think I should be wearing or not underneath that suit.” This incident sheds light on the invasive questioning famous actresses endure.
During a recent Avengers: Infinity War promotional event, Johansson was asked about her character’s costume evolution.
Responding with amusement, she said, “Am I going to be discussing fashion? That’s a tough one for me to answer.”
Despite wearing a stylish leather jumpsuit for most of the movie, Johansson expressed frustration about being objectified and typecasted, impacting her job offers.
In a podcast appearance on Dax Shepard’s show, Johansson emphasized her concerns about being objectified.
Nevertheless, she remains optimistic about positive changes in Hollywood’s treatment of women, recognizing progress and meaningful differences in the industry.
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