A groundbreaking video offers viewers a unique perspective on what it’s like to run at the speed of the world’s fastest land animal.
The Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden in Ohio mounted a GoPro camera on a cheetah named Savannah, capturing stunning footage as she reached speeds of 60 mph.
Savannah, a three-year-old cheetah raised at the zoo, was selected for this experiment. The camera was attached to a harness, providing a first-person view of her sprinting across her enclosure while chasing a ball. The video highlights the cheetah’s slender body moving gracefully over the grass.
Cincinnati Zoo Director Thane Maynard and Alicia Sampson from the zoo’s Cat Ambassador program comment throughout the video.
Alicia, who has a strong bond with Savannah after years of working with her, was able to attach the camera without issue.
Thane is awed by the footage, remarking, “When you see it at full speed, you wouldn’t want to ride her. It’s not like a horse. But in slow motion, the way her head remains steady while her body moves is incredible.”
Alicia adds, “Even in slow motion, that head barely moves, despite the body bouncing up and down.”
Both agree that the footage is unlike anything they’ve seen before, and they believe this may be the first attempt to capture such a viewpoint.
The cheetah, known for reaching speeds of up to 70 mph, is native to eastern and southern Africa, with a small population also found in parts of Iran.
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