A baby elephant named Mbegu, orphaned and attacked by villagers in Kimanjo, Kenya, has found a new home and formed a special bond with her keeper.
The attack on Mbegu occurred after another elephant tragically killed a local woman, prompting villagers to seek revenge.
During the attack, Mbegu was separated from her herd and sustained injuries. A warden from the Naibunga Conservancy stepped in to protect the young elephant from further harm.
Mbegu was eventually brought to the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT) Nursery in Nairobi National Park, where she found safety and care.
Mbegu quickly formed a deep connection at the nursery with her keeper, regularly nuzzling them in gratitude.
Amie Alden from DSWT shared that Mbegu has adapted well to her new environment and has become a beloved member of the nursery, both by other orphaned elephants and her human caretakers.
Alden explained that Mbegu’s recovery from her physical and emotional wounds has been remarkable, thanks partly to the use of green clay in her treatment.
The young elephant is now thriving in her new home, despite the traumatic experiences she endured at the hands of humans.